When work and skill mismatch

You have more work in one area than what the people in that area can do. You also have available people in the organization, but their skill does not match the work.

Will this happen? Believe me, it will always happen at some point, either at team level or at individual level, or both. This is simply due to dynamic work vs. "static" skill (really? maybe as snapshot, and hopefully not in the life span). When that happens, there are a few strategies to deal with it.

  • Push it

If you are working in matrix and responsible for one project, the obvious strategy is to grab more people (or resource, are people resources?) with the right skill and allocate them to the area having more work. What if other projects suffer even more? It's none of your business.

If you fail to get more people, another strategy is that you anyway push this through the developers working in your project. This inevitably leads to the application of developer's secret toolbox, which sacrifices quality and gradually leads to more and more legacy code, and eventually slows down the development, a lot.

  • Accept it

If you take a bigger and longer-term view, you see that "push it" strategy creates more problems than it solves. Another strategy is simply accept the fact, pull the work based on the capacity, with the acknowledgement that the output is constrained by the bottleneck. You either extend the schedule or reduce the scope, or a bit of both.

This is wise in the sense that it respects the system, thus the system would not backfire. However, the speed or the value of delivery suffers and you may not survive.

  • Grow it

This strategy is quite logical, as bottleneck area constrains the output, you grow the capacity in that area. It does solve the problem of delivery. However, as bottleneck area moves, it leads to staffing based on the worst scenario.

This is not lean. As it is practically hard to shrink in size, some teams and individuals will inevitably work on low-value stuff and create wastes. And, the more important waste is the  underutilization of the people potential. People differ greatly from resource because people can learn. By limiting people only in their familiar areas does not show the respect for people, which is one of the two pillars in lean thinking.

  • Learn it

Then it comes to the most sensible strategy. You treat mismatch as an opportunity to learn and expand skills. This does not mean that specialization is bad. You still utilize the specialization for efficiency, meanwhile take advantage of mismatch for people to learn new areas. This is lean. Long-lived feature team adopts this strategy, and LeSS explicitly promotes feature team structure.


  1. feature team primer
  2. more on feature team chapter in "Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum" book

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