Traveling and moving
Phew. It's been a while since I wrote something here. Life has been insane for me.
This year, I've been traveling probably around 80% of my time. It feels like I've been more in planes than out of planes. I was in Korea, India (a couple times), Singapore (a couple times), Malaysia, Japan, Finland, Hungary, Holland and US (a couple places). Now I'm not traveling since I need to lengthen my Visa for China. Also, these are exciting times since I will be moving again, more about that later.
What have I been up-to? Writing of the book (and an article for CrossTalks). Much training. Preparing for the move. Some TDD coaching and work on build scripts (the fun part of work). Also made some adjustments to CppUtest, I still need to commit them to the SourceForge repos though.
Hope to be blogging some more later. For now, I do have to say (I promised) that also Kuala Lumpur is actually quite a nice city. I visited it for the first time earlier this year and was positively surprised.
More later.